I was thinking because I stayed way late into the nite reading a new book 
recently purchased titled " You Are still Being Lied To" a compilation of essays 
by those on the fringe of political dissension, Zinn, Chomsky and a host others, 
especially struck about an essay on the textbook industry and how it is 
regulated and controlled by political and corporate interests, its not leftist 
ranting, strangely because they warn about the interests of the left and right 
and the stake they have in our disengagement of life. it creates a picture of 
another world behind the curtains inaccessible to anyone outside that "elite" 
level, the upper echelons of society. About how the world is broken because it 
is run by those least fit to operate it. Zinn spoke of this in a documentary I'd 
seen several months ago. He asked a simple question, "What wrong with the world 
and why does it remain so?" I probably misquoted but it's close. 
> The most unusual addition in the book was a piece by R. Crumb of interview 
excerpts by one of my favorite writers, Philip K. Dick. There is still a lot of 
controversy over his death in 1982(?) and the fact that he believed he had been 
targeted by the agents of the government, only to realize that the Nixon era of 
dirty tricks extended beyond political threats. anyway that was not what got my 
> it was the psychic/spiritual experiences he recounted in interviews. here is 
an established respected writer who's work has shape the cultural geography 
speaking quite openly about the "religious" experiences he'd encountered. 
> was it the ravings of a lunatic? Dick was never discredited and until this day 
he died his reputation remained unblemished. 
> The piece got me to reminiscing about strange occurrences in my life. In these 
occurrences I often felt compelled to speak to someone about them and I assumed, 
mistakenly, the obvious person to discuss things of this matter would be an 
individual with a strong religious background or opinion.  
> i am not a lunatic nor am I a simpleton. i am not looking for epiphanic 
experiences or have any apocalyptic fascinations. 
> the end comes soon enough for all. 
> but that's still not what I was writing about. It was more curiosity. The 
story of how we reconnected is a fascinating one. don't you think?And it 
might not have been so extraordinary for most if one was willing to invest a 
little cash to one of those "snoop sites" and intrude on one's privacy. but I 
didn't and would never have dared the intrusion. But that oppressive longing would 
have sat in my viscera until I had taken my last breathe, and that would have 
been my terrible deathbed regret. 
> so what am i writing? 
> I have questions about so many things and it seems significant 
> not a charming or quaint chance of happenstance. old friends encountering one 
another at a high school reunion. 
> it seems more. and truthfully I don't know what that means. 
> but i have questions,like, why is my lawn dying? 
> and why did you give me a book about angels long ago? i don't believe in them 
in the classical sense, but i did possess a photograph of two that came with a 
story and some physical proof. but no one believed me. what's so strange is that 
i can still see both their faces, youthful, beautiful women smiling into the 
camera as if saying to me, don't worry, help is on the way!


The bird is a word…or “how’s your job, small talk, language and such.”

language is inadequate. It gets in the way. It confounds, misdirects and is worse than getting directions from a Somali gas station attendant. words are short blunt instruments, and as aesthetically pleasing as a dwarf in a cheap suit. No one ever says what they mean, and their meaning is never what they say. Language, written or spoken, sole purpose is miscommunication. Think of a contract. A contract is a language-driven device, its primary purpose, in theory, using word or speech, is meant to lend absolute clarity to an issue. However, its structure, density, is such like dropping it into a pool of impenetrable viscosity, it renders meaning meaningless.
Now let’s just talk about two words…”constant and boundary”.

First let’s look at “constant”. We can see it as something fixed, like a star, in space. Absolute, unchanging. It denotes an air of allegiance, affirmation. When one is constant there is a sense of dogged determination. To be loyal one must be constant. The frightened, are easily shaken and can NEVER be constant! They are too willing to sell out at the first signs of trouble. Constancy is the foundational element of integrity. To admonish those that possess that quality is to champion cowardice and mediocrity. To be constant one must continually strive to maintain a certain level of quality. Quality is not achieved through stasis. It must be allowed to grow, evolve and branch. This kind of integrity beckons immortality, it assures that the name of the individual goes one in the minds of all that are touched. To squash that process is murder.

A boundary is an” imaginary” demarcation line. It is a restraint contrived by one party to limit the movement or access of another. A boundary is the best friend of a fascist. The misconception that a boundary is a measure to insure stability and offer protection is laughable. Look at the daily newspaper, think of 9/11, do you feel safe? Boundaries mean different things to different people. Speaking as a Mexican-American, a boundary is a source of contention. It is an instrument that is meant to humiliate and control. My family ignored such boundaries and created a new world for themselves. However they spent their entire lives threatened by the imagination of others. The stories my family tells of growing up in Arizona are ones of boundaries. Boundaries of what schools to go to. Boundaries of what jobs to choose. Boundaries of what side of the church to sit. Boundaries of what side of town to live. These boundaries, though tempered by time, are very real to many. Accepting boundaries, or being told to accept boundaries is the first step of acquiescence toward assimilation and the forgetting oneself.

A boundary is an affair determined by a party, a contract, and as we have already determined one side is usually out of the loop. Now it is not necessary here to state this, but a boundary is a type of relationship that asserts dominance over others. It confines and makes marginal any hope of growth for the targeted party.
 In typical western fashion, the old adage;
 “ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”, would be rendered unintelligible if there were no fence. That way it would be my grass and your grass and we’d both grow fat and give good milk.
Don’t get me wrong… I believe certain boundaries/restraints like seat belts, guardrails and never try to bed another man’s wife are good and necessary. But the boundaries of the spirit and heart assure only boredom, bad thinking and sour tasting milk.

It is crucial that what we say is measured with the ear of a philosopher and the soul of an artist.


Majestic Regrets

Reading the rings
a map of ages
156 years old.
This old boy lay toppled
and dissected,
upset and appendages

Eye level to the daisy,
his lofty aspirations
a memory revealed.
Naked before my finger’s dances
as it traces
once concealed
mysteries of desires
and missteps…

My dog sees an opportunity to deposit a message.

…It is either the creak of the wind
whipped up through deep ravines,
or a primordial wail, low
and guttural.
A mournful cambrium lament
from deep within, through amber tears,
 “Had I only been a man,
than a tree.”


Seven gross misconceptions

1)       That others are here as minor characters in my play.
2)       Everyone occupies equal space. Therefore everyone is equal.
3)       That if I can control those around me. I should be able to control the weather.
4)       Vegetarians are better than everyone else.
5)       Vegetarians are smarter than everyone else.
6)        1 part Buddhism and 1part Christianity is a recipe for spiritual epiphany.
7)       Steering with my knees is a good idea.


Youthful arrogance

I had inquired politely
As to the
Of her decision
To drive down freeways with her knees

Her thunderous gaze produces
Spits electric hiss
Crackling against my eardrums

A ribbon of endless highways
A prison
Of forced
Euphoric dramatics
This coagulating road trip

I wonder against backdrops
Of endless
I think of her feet
And how they might feel in my shoes


hands frozen
the air crisp
burns the forehead
late march snows
lay concealed  beneath
new spring growth
vital and fecund
seeds pierce
Frosty soil

nestled and nurtured
between thick red canyon walls
all nature braces for the indifference of cold
and the black that is illuminated only
by the sparkling luminary of
heaven’s tarp

my meager covering
a tattered rag
once an old friend’s
deathbed is my only shield from the looming
beyond my bundle
sniffles and whimpers
as sweet as sage
issue in the muted crystalline air
it is the artic reality
that strips bare notions of
romantic warmth

my own fire burns within
my blankets privately tended
I might somehow blow life into this dying ember
With some measure of connivance
My lips issue warm breath
Hope comfort and a shared blanket
In hopes of stirring turbulence
I open my pillow to shared occupancy and the
Mingling of chilly exhalations


fixation’s frozen
in rattlesnake shade
coiled and rigid
venom’s contrition

frigid sanquine essence


Discussions in opposition

On the dark side of the moon
an avenue of flesh
the eyes caresses
Powdery white
Faint baby’s dust
The slight air of
Swirling effulgent

Against the sunlight
a whisper
Through a summer’s dress
Conceals a secret
Ever so slightly

Pressed against a thigh
It cannot be imagined
The carnival of lights
That bathes the night

The mind diverts
In modesty
What the eyes                                           
Devour ravenously
Loosely draped
The curvature clings
To this revelation

happily lost
mournfully lost

In fresh flesh soil

the tongue tastes decay
And life at once


the lies
run hot
Through veins
 like fire
from an arsonist’s play

hopes misplaced
puddles of Apathy
Finely clothed
The earth below

Creeps on flared nostrils
Like an ancient usher
In a sordid theatre
Semen humps the air

Ubiquitous eye
Subconscious monitor
Absence of color
Absence of feeling
madness of repetition
rumble eternal rumble
vibrates then…


the spine shutters
because the column
is only human

anemic retch
gun metal play
gun Metal gray
Patterns linoleum

woolen warmth
A single sheet
Worn with worry
A single hole
Where index finger peeps
stalwart guardian


It  is the light of the moon

The air grows cool
Around my feet
As Wet dew splashes
from startled leaves Deep
This is where I place your head and shoulders
In the security of my gaze
Flexed need
under pressure
You will struggle against my grasp
From a time not yet inhaled
Pale thighs reflect midnight’s Blush
As Sun baked hand’s imprint
Silhouette progress
up wet dew
Splashes deep
upon startled rosey leaves
Under the scrutiny of the moon



through the open
car window
the cooled summer night
tunnels and tumbles
rustling while agitating
otherwise peaceful
bills procrastinating
with afternoon advertisements
who from the moonlight scurry
to dark resting places
they all seem to hurry
the fluttering hairs on my protruding arm
are coral fingers grasping
the nutrition passing
of dust and exhaust…
… and above
against a backdrop of indigo
a moon’s boyish face
looks out upon the landscape
with such an expression
of adolescent astonishment
slack jawed impotence
hangs precariously beneath
pug-nose nostrils as
moon pie eyes drip
frosted tears
and whines a reassurance
from an expanse
of uncertainty
his pudgy proclamation
“Help is on the way!”
my sensitive dog with windswept eyes
 looks upon this silver disk
suspended from its syrupy beyond
and responds with a wag

“That’s right girl.” I say, “ Help is on the way.”


These words are dedicated
to those
whom a buck never made
from anything they create,
who pursue the dream.
To all the beautiful failures
who stand at the precipice of
the fringe of common sense,
who are a second's hand
out of time.
I assure you
every dog
has his day.


when the lights go out,
and they say,
"see you in the morning"
that the night
holds no guarantees.


The shame of the Postman
forced to carry
the masculinity of
to his lover
The shame.
His honor erect
gorged with postage
and politely
inserts it
into her box.


I am against pomposity
and the King of it.


A Pit Viper
may be
deadly on
7 continents
but a drunk
with a golf club
can also be a


Through the haze of pot and whiskey,
I heard the plea,
like Peter in the Garden
of Gethsemane.
3 times before the cock calls,
"I'll pose for you...I'll pose for you...I'll pose for you."
Over the din of MTV and the tortured
rails of a man
as vast as
the Black Continent,
I smiled to the melodies
that float to me,
with the sweetness of orchids.


To my wife
I write no poems
of moons and feathers
plump geese and
sleeping lambs
secrets on
a sun-lighted chair
we sit and stare at 2 sets
of twiddling toes
we make quiet promises
just beyond our soles

I savor sweet wonder
as the sparrow perched on a fencepost
issuing desperate greetings
to the early day
the caterpillar
inching along
on a dewy stock
slowly devouring
his luck


he sits on the sofa
in the soft of the
touching easily his forehead
his eyes concentrate
on a point far off
for pure innocence
there is none
he sits with the stillness
of shadows
his silence is a quality
none better

to nicholis


theologians struggle with the
questions of salvation
as does the drunk
Everyone is looking
for justice and the pearly gates


old trickster bullfrog
got me out of
warm midnight burrow
with your
incessant croaking
ankle deep
at your doorstep pond
your moonlit noise
concealed among the damp lily-pads
beneath murky chocolate depths
we spend the night
your cryptic songs vibrated sweetly
we spend the night
your pickled back
turns and
swims away


The creations that fandangle atop
my cranium
are as unruly and
surly as gangsters
like pitbulls on the prowl
they defy the lawfulness of my comb
contorting and distorting
these features so gentle
kind and warm
into back expressions of twisted folds
and mad passions
they spit at the hapless blade
Medusa's crown of scaly lambs
pale to the visage of these demonic
crackling with electric hiss
a riot of silver lightening
that grab with greedy fingers
the roots ensnare the hidden wealth
of alloyed arteries
their ruin is not limited
to the constriction of my brain
they have spread their foul
to regions once
and bend with
as folded hands
wring and shield my modest


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