Residential commission,"3 Bounding Women by the Seaside"was 8 ' x 26 ' acrylic, oils and commercial paint on stucco. This photo represents the mural in its early construction. At its completion the mural was framed with glass and tile mosaic which is evidenced in the photo right and left. The piece was a companion piece to a smaller canvas painting.

Early photo of wall mural along interstate 163 in California. Mural measured 20' x 80'. Base image was completed in commercial paint and Krylon cans. Note the dark "tic" marks along the darkened area, these were guides that correspond to a grid on a 5" x 7" draft in a sketchbook. After the base drawing was completed, the entire mural was designed in oil stick. Work would start at 4:30 am and breakdown happened at 9:30 am each day until completed. This went on for 6 to 7 months. On the far right of the photo scaffolding is visible. Scaffolding was a three tiered steel marine construction apparatus. The whole of the operation was completed in complete anonymity. Before work started on the project, alot of preparation went into scouting out he area for foot and regular car traffic. Once I felt comfortable with the habits of the area, I'd design my work schedule. Again, like all my work, there is a measure of theatrics employed. I don't know if this satisfied a need in me, to "act out", or it was additional stimulus for the viewer. Regardless, it was a necessary element in the creation of each piece.


Proposition of Time Travel as the most significant superpower to possess. Even the early Christian and Jewish Gods subscribe to this power and utilize it on a "daily" basis.
Whether you are a conspiracy theorist (everyone must accept Oswald was not the lone gunman) Time travel could be used to intercede and avert the tragic event or clear up the mystery.
It can be used as a tool to enlighten. My suggestion is to give foreknowledge of unfolding events and possibly nullifying an unwanted intrusion or invasion
Use it to satisfy your curiosity...I'd like to witness the Big Bang.
The world is a ghetto....
This, a wheatpaste edition. sometimes its good enough to salvage about the piles of forgotten works and breath into them new life. anyway its the fastest and easiest way to cover surface. This was part of a series of oils on newsprint left to decay in an old bin in my studio. there was just enough life in the paper to get it to the box and slather it with glue alll the while tearing under the strain of the fluid. it was double duty repairing teras as I pieced and adjusted the image onto the surface.
The image is Godzilla's return with "her" ethnic glory intact, ravaging havoc on familiar turf,while settling old scores.
This is an ongoing project. Its my magritte's drones, however, working in public sets a whole new element where i find having an initial idea unwittingly critiqued and setting me off on a wholly different tangent.originally i simply wanted to create a copy of a magritte work with comtemporay elements (see main posts), predator drones. however, i will mull over a piece, which means I leave it unattended for weeks, then come back to it , to find it either entirely painted over or tagged up, in which case, my original response to the surface has changed completely and i'll find myself adjusting to the new or surviving elements. in any case its a very fliud environment to work in and since i work in the daylight it opens you to a host of unexpected experiences, the wandering guy sifting through my colors;"hello friend, yeah those are mine;can i have the paint rag back?"
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