Tuesday, May 20, 2014

old dog new trixz

auntie lee as she walked peacefully to the other side

 being missionary
 the decline and fall of blue man
 bukowski v.s. burroughs
 cat. he travel in time not space
 cat at a crossroads
 future forest
 ghost dog
 mexican sun
warriors...come out and plaaaeeeyay!
mexican love

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Your Move Creep.

Big thank you to my wife, who wondered out loud,"Where's RoboCop when we need him?" while watching  the Donald Sterling fiasco on CNN,
 Oh and special Thanks to donald. On a slow morning you tore me from my shiftless heredity to whip this out.

One of the lazy beer-drinking stinky brown masses you so fear.

spare the rod spoil the child