Thursday, April 1, 2010

self-portrait 3/28/2010

the following are a series of works with myself as the subject. Constrained by certain limitations I am using my present situation ( immobilized due to injury) to discover that ethereal something, that by the continious doing of a task i might learn beyond the object and the materials.

self portrait 3/27/2010

self-portrait 3/27/2010

self-portrait 3/27/2010

self-portrait 3/27/2010

self-portrait 3/27/2010

reclining cat 3/26/2010

self -portrait 3/26/2010

self-portrait 3/24/2010

Sketched out long before as simply a nervous reaction ,but found a place a one of the self-portraits.The area around my eyes becomes a focus and after several obsevational pieces I begin to develop a system, a model representation of what my eye is and what i believe it is becoming.


This was created before the self-portraits, but the emphasis is on the form in dimmed light that perpetuates a mood..

Self-portrait obscura

Reflectioned image on a matte surface.

self-portrait hand 3/26/2010

The object of my hand, the working mechanism that all I do is dependent upon. The thought that all I am, all that identifies me might be locked up within a right handed dominance and without it I am nothing. The description of the hand soon became an expressive extension of my father, who passed away recently and the discriminating discovery of what time is revealing on closer inspection.

Self-portrait #2 3/26/2020

Again a pretty stratight forward approach however it was at that moment I became intrigued by the construction of my own face. The contour curvatures, the thickness of the jaw, the squareness of my face. It was also, for what ever reason, important to document date and time. It felt as if I were charting the deterioration of my mortal self.

Self Portrait #1 3/26/2010

Recently I have started a series of self-portraits. These works were done out of a circumstance of necessity. I have been immobilized due to a foot surgery and this left me with no alternative but to literally look into the mirror. Forced to choose one subject.
What started out as a mere drawing exercise became a lesson in the rediscovery of familiar ground. Without the need to implant some ulterior symbolic, allowed for meaning to emerge, even if all that was revealed was the wrinkles and deformities of my visage, it attempted at the removal of all romanticism and vanity.
This was the first in the series. It was straight forward in almost every aspect, even to the holding of the mirror. At this point I was not thinking series exercise, in fact I was not sure there would be a next drawing, I just needed to draw.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010


A homage to two great American artists, Shepard Fairey and Paul Rubens. I am making a run of this design. If anyone is interested in acquiring a t-shirt please email me @ wipc54 @hotmail and in subject field indicated t-shirt. If I get enough request I will increase the order. I am asking 15 bucks a shirt to cover printing costs only. I am a communist and it is against the law for me to make money off my art.